The casting choice for a movie can totally make or break a movie, without good casting choices a movie could be totally ruined. Every once in a while, the casting choice is just so perfect that it’s actually hard to believe. There are a lot of performances that have become completely iconic, we just couldn’t imagine some characters being played by anyone else. With. Today we thought we would make a shortlist of some of the best movie casting choices of all time. It’s worth mentioning that there’s no better way to watch these movies other than a large screen TV from the comfort of your own home. For TV wall mounting services click here.
Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man
You probably expected this one to be on the list. Many people weren’t too keen on Robert Downey Jr being chosen for the role of iron man; even marvel themselves! This is because of the actor’s troubled past with addictions and such. Robert Downey Jr has been a big inspiration for a lot of people due to the way he got himself together and went on to play one of the most iconic roles in 21st-century cinema. Everything from the way he looks, and talks are just perfect to play the role of the billionaire superhero. It’s actually hard to watch Robert Downey Jr playing any other role now that we are so used to seeing him with the avengers. It seems very unlikely now that the actor will return to the role after the events of the avenger’s endgame, which was bittersweet for a lot of fans. The creator of Iron Man himself (Stan Lee) has claimed that Robert Downey Jr is absolutely perfect for the role and is accurate to exactly what he had imagined a live-action iron man to be like. Due to this, it would be silly not to mention Robert Downey Jr as Iron man when listing some of the best movie casting choices of all time.
Heath Ledger as The Joker
The Joker is a role that audiences are very picky about when it comes to casting, simply because there have been such brilliant performances already made. When it was announced that heath ledger was playing the Joker in the dark knight movie fans weren’t happy at all, mainly because they hadn’t seen Heath play a character anything like the joker and expected things to flop. These low expectations were flipped upside down when the movie was released, some consider it to be one of the best performances of all time. Heath Ledger did an insane amount of preparation for the role, he famously locked himself in a hotel room for weeks before shooting the movie to get in the mindset of a psychopath. Heath Ledger himself had a lot of input in the character’s development and paid a lot of respect to other actors who played the role in the past such as Jack Nicholson. Despite fan’s upset reaction to the casting choice Heath Ledger totally stole the show, although he sadly passed away before the movie was released which made his performance even more impactful. Heath Ledger as the joker is a pretty popular opinion for the best movie casting choices of all time, and for a good reason! Why not give the dark knight a watch?
Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman
American Psycho is a movie that is loved just as much as it is hated. A lot of people didn’t rate it much when it was first released, but it’s a pretty common opinion that the movie has aged very well. It’s hard to imagine anyone else taking on the role of The American Psycho. This movie seems like it was made for Christian Bale, it really allows him to play by his strengths. Even the first scene of the movie alone just shows what the viewer is in for, it’s definitely worth watching. The movie is pretty violent so it’s not exactly for all ages, please be advised of this if you are planning to watch American Psycho. Christan Bale is a fantastic actor when it comes to any role, but we would definitely put him up there with the best movie casting choices of all time for his character in American psycho.
We hope that you enjoyed our shortlist of some of the best movie casting choices of all time. There are a lot more performances that deserve credit but there are too many great actors out there to mention them all. If you haven’t yet seen one or two of these performances, why not give the movie a watch? You won’t regret it!